Monday, January 12, 2015

Intention vs. Intuitioin

Intention vs. Intuition

At the outset of a new year, many resolve to make changes. Businesses plan to improve marketing strategies and drive up revenue. Organizations aim to increase memberships to advance their causes. Individuals purpose to pick up healthier habits and steer clear of pitfalls from their past. All good intentions are sound motivation. However, crossing the finish line requires much more than intent. 

I know you think you've heard this all before, "stick with it...", "don't give up..", " stay the course...". So I won't waste your time or the effort it took to grab your attention by telling you any of those things. Rather, I would like to offer you a slightly different train of thought to consider; an alternative impetus, if you will. Strong willed, determined, driven, motivated, charged, and ready to "kill it", your intuition. 

Now, for those of us who like to consider ourselves highly effective and task oriented people this may be a new concept. Nevertheless, I seem to find myself leaning more and more heavily towards my own intuition with new endeavors I have set out to pursue. Despite my type A what some may describe as controlling personality, I am finding this new experience to be full of excitement, energy, optimism, and refreshing. The heavy weight that usually comes with resolving to change is nowhere to be found. Following my intuition has given me the liberty to alter my course at will and go in another direction without guilt, shame, or fear. I am forging my own path. I have taken the reigns. 

There is some caution to be taken on intuition's highway. Some measure of sensitivity is required. You will want to be certain to check your motives before departure or you may find yourself quickly running on empty with no fuel left to reach your goals. You will also do well to examine the pressure in your circumstances to avoid any preventable blowouts along the road that may detour you from your destination. By heightening your senses and tuning in to your inner GPS, you are likely to find that the road you travel leads you to your appointed place right on time.

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